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Winter's Wonder

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

The waxing of Winter is upon us here in Sonoma County, less than 3 weeks from the Solstice. As I move through the holidays, there is the merry and bright, the giving thanks and forgiving and celebrating the coming together with loved ones. I love this time of the year for its ability to carry the light and bouy up the shadow side of the seasonal changes associated with the Water Element, a time of tuning down, turning inward, and settling into the depths of stillness, gathering life force for the coming Spring. It's a wonder really! All that energy condensing inside us, regenerating our desires and bringing forth a new plan. A new garden, household or business design.

All of that I know intellectually, that the light and warmth will return, however this time of year can bring a frozen paralysis and fearful contraction to the core of my bones as well as free floating anxiety, a hyper vigilance and over reactive fight or flight response. The thawing and unthawing of my emotions and mind set. As I become more seasoned I recognize that in this time of greater darkness, it's ok to hibernate within myself, taking the space to digest life at a slower pace in alignment with the rhythms of Nature. To nurture the unknown not yet revealed.

My call to action as I move through the next few weeks is to be a witness to the tightness in my shoulders from the HABIT of DOING, of needing to produce more and be more, to soften and source the heavenly aspirations as I dip in and out of the quiet stillness. It's right here. I can take in all the spaciousness I need to let next years 'garden' plans come into being in their own time, allowing for the decay of all that isn't serving me.

I can also remember to draw upon one of my favorite oils this time of year. Nutmeg. Magical, Enveloping Nutmeg. Full of warmth, protecting my finely tuned electrical circuit. Insulating and quieting the Kidneys. Aligning and calming the mind, relaxing the diaphragms. Bringing in more joy. If you would like to hear more about what point to put it on to warm the heart and kidneys, the next time you experience analysis paralysis or feel cold to your bones, check out my Nutmeg


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